Partners and friends

Amiral de Coligny

The Amiral de Coligny association was founded in the early 1920’s by Pastor Stuart Roussel, at the time when he was converting the estate into a heliotherapy sanatorium to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. The chairman of the association was Mr Delille. On 1 January 1922, it was recognized as a non-profit association. Since then it has remained the owner of the estate, but management has been entrusted to various associations. Today A Rocha manages the estate in collaboration with Amiral de Coligny, under the chairmanship of Mr Maurice Dumas-Lairolle.


The estate includes a large old building full of character.  Renovation work is thus needed, involving considerable investment. A Rocha has entrusted CIDENA (Compagnie Internationale pour le Développement et la Nature) with the management of commercial activities likely to provide the association with additional income from rent.

In 2015, ARFI (A Rocha France Initiatives), a non-profit association has replaced CIDENA, and is responsible for managing the commercial income from weddings, family celebrations and other seminars.

Courmettes farms

Fermes des Courmettes (EB)

Sheep and goats play an important role on the estate, helping to maintain the pastures and undergrowth in a manner compatible with wildlife.

Sheep: Didier Fischer and Valentine Guérin raise around 500 ewes and sell lamb and wool. Didier organises sheepdog training and competitions for border collies. For more information see

Goats: Bruno Gabelier raises around 100 goats and some ewes. He has won prizes for his organic cheeses. It is possible to visit the cheese making facility. For more information see this webpage.

Other partners

CRPF (Centre régional de la propriété forestière): we work together on forest management on the estate.

CEN PACA (Conservatoire des espaces naturels): for many years CEN PACA has helped those managing Courmettes to put in place an environmental management plan.

Côtes et Nature: this association organises guided nature walks, in particular during the red deer rut.

L’ami du pain: Christian Vinciguerra organizes occasional bread-making workshops.

Méditerranée 2000: this association organises guided nature walks on the estate for individuals and school groups.

Artisanat SEL: in our café we sell fair trade products provided by Artisanat SEL.

Photographers, designers and illustrators

Bertrand Bender creates wonderful posters for our events.

Esther Brouwer produces superb illustrations for Les Courmettes, including the one of the farms just above. Contact

Ellen Moerman-Teurlings takes beautiful photographs. Together with Valentine, the shepherd, she created an exhibition ‘On vous dit Patou’.