Discover nature! – 2024

Would you enjoy a private activity with friends or family? Write to us at:

Nature walks and garden workshops

(Provisional programme, subject to change)

In the event of inclement weather, you will be notified of the cancellation of the outing (by email the day before or the same day).

Outings on request only:

Astronomy evenings (2h)

Information and request for outings

Botanical outings (2h)

Information and requests

Bat evenings (2h)

Information and request for outings:

Butterfly outings (2h)

Information and request for outings:

Beekeeping workshops (2h30)

Information and outing request:

Nest box workshops (2h)

Information and booking:

Evenings with nocturnal birds of prey (2h)

Information and booking:

Nocturnal world evenings (2h)

Information and requests:

Pond and dragonfly outings (2h30)

Information and request for outings:

Nature discovery outings (2h30)

Information and request for outings:

Animal trail’ outings (2h)

Information and request for outings:

Download the flyer (in French)

Photo à la une : © Ellen Moerman-Teurlings – Pixel.len Photography